Divorce & Separation Specialists

Essex & Suffolk
Mediation service

Who is Essex & Suffolk Mediation

Essex and Suffolk Mediation Service is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective resolution services for individuals navigating the challenges of divorce and separation.
Our team, led by a highly trained and experienced Lead Mediator with full DBS clearance, specialises in facilitating constructive dialogues and finding amicable solutions tailored to each family's unique circumstances.
With a focus on child consultancy and a commitment to excellence, we proudly offer legal aid services through National Family Mediation, ensuring accessible support for those in need.
Trust Essex and Suffolk Mediation Service to guide you through this difficult time with care and expertise.

Legal Aid Downloadable

Legal Aid is provided by the government to cover the cost of our family mediation service for families in dispute. Legal aid is available for family mediation cases that help families agree arrangements about: Finance and property, including what happens to the family home, child maintenance, and financial settlement if you are getting divorced. • Child arrangements, from a single issue you are not able to agree on, to arrangements that have completely broken down, and everything in between. • Any dispute following a family breakdown that may end up in court. • Legal Aid for mediation is means-tested, so you have to provide evidence of your current financial circumstances to prove you’re entitled to receive it. • If you are eligible, Legal Aid for mediation will cover all your individual mediation costs. It will also cover the costs of the initial appointment and first mediation meeting for the other person if they’re not eligible in their own right.

Mediation Voucher Scheme

We support parties who may be able to resolve their family law disputes outside of the court. This was set-up in response to Covid-19, encouraging more people to consider mediation to resolve their disputes, where appropriate. To support this a contribution of up to £500 towards the costs of mediation will be provided. Download your FREE infographic below with more details about the Mediation Voucher Scheme.


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